Wednesday 31 October 2018

Nigerian doctors successfully separate conjoined twins in Abuja hospital

A team of Nigerian doctors yesterday successfully separated a set of conjoined twins at University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Gwagwalada. The doctors led by Dr Nuhu Kwajafa of the Global Peace Initiatives, confirmed the success of the operation that took them many hours in a post on his Instagram account @nuhukwaj. Dr. Kwajafa said the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, footed the bill “We wish to express our profound gratitude, as we say a massive thank you to Rt Hon Yakubu Dogara, for his kind hearted and extremely generous gesture to the successfully separated twins and their family…God bless you Sir”, Dr Kwajafa posted.

Real Madrid stars kick against Solari, tell club 2 managers to sign

Real Madrid stars have told the club’s board that they do not want their junior team coach, Santiago Solari to be Julen Lopetegui’s replacement on a permanent basis. According to OK Diario, Los Blancos players are in favour of appointing Real Madrid legend Guti or former player Michael Laudrup. This claim was made by a respected Spanish journalist Eduardo Inda. Lopetegui was sacked on Monday evening as a result of the club’s worst start to a season since 2001/02. He was provisionally replaced by Solari, the current manager of B team Castilla. However, Real Madrid’s players are not hoping he stays around long-term with some of the heavyweights of the dressing room already demanding one of the two managers. Inda revealed that some players believe Solari hasn’t got the experience required to manage the European champions.. The players very sympathetic to Solari do not have him [in mind to manage full-time],Inda told pressmen The best reports do not come from the kids of Castilla and a few months ago they were about to dismiss him from Castilla.

Monday 29 October 2018

Be expectant, not desperate

Gradually, we are moving closer to the end of the year. As the year rolls away, in the name of Jesus, it will not roll away with our blessings. What is expected of us at this time is not to stop praying but to begin to give thanks to the Almighty God for expected blessings. While we pray, it is really a time to sing praises to the Lord and thank him for those incoming blessings. Situations in life can make one to become desperate but the desperation hardly ends on a joyful note. At the long run, it ends sorrowfully. Many a time, those who take desperate steps never recover.
How do I mean? For instance, a man has been working hard but hardly makes ends meet. It doesn’t matter if he is a Christian or not. The man has borrowed until he becomes ashamed to borrow. Then he begins to say to himself, why don’t I try something else since I have not received answers to my prayers. Such a man then begins to associate with those who tell him, he is wasting his time trying to be like the Lord. Subsequently, he is introduced to drug trafficking, Internet fraud or rituals for money. He is likely to come in contact with men involved in any of these activities in a beer parlor where he believes he has gone to ‘drink away his sorrow’. Brethren, which of these three steps can give him a joyful end? None. Sooner or later, the long arm of the law will catch up with him and he will end up in jail. Or we take the case of a married woman who says to herself, that she has been married for over 10 years without children and her mother and mother in- law keep putting pressure on her. She then decides to date any man in trousers. She now becomes the one seducing men. Where will she end? It is either she ends up with incurable sexually transmitted diseases, or she get pregnant in the process and passes it to the innocent husband who thinks prayers have been answered but one day, just one day, the secret will be let out of the bag and what does she get, honour or disgrace? Certainly disgrace. Or is it the case of a single lady who concludes that since she hasn’t found a man all these years, she decides to have a baby for any man. Let me give you a real example of what I am saying. A man who has been married without a child chose to find a young lady to give him a child. The lady got pregnant and gave him a baby girl. Unknown to the man, the lady engages in commercial sex. Years later, the man travelled to America and the lady to Italy. They never got married and the child was left with the paternal grandmother. After a while, the man decided to take his daughter to the United States to reside with him. He made all efforts to get the mother return from Italy but she never did. So, grandmother and the girl approached the United States embassy. One of the requirements for relocation was a DNA test. The results turned negative. A secret was let out of the bag. When contacted, the mother could not defend herself. The man was shocked to his bones. He was angry and bitter. What he saw as a means of escape from delay in child bearing has become a permanent source of sorrow. A family meeting was called. The meeting produced no solution but the grandmother insisted that she would keep the girl even as the son vowed not to have anything to do with the girl. This is a true-life story. Brethren, we’ll see that in this battle no one won. The man lost, the lady lost, even the innocent child who was not responsible for the circumstance of her birth is a loser. This is the reason why at a time like this, we need to be careful. Never say to yourself, “ I have been praying, if God won’t answer me, I will try something else”. Once you begin to think like that, Satan has started working on you. Nothing on earth should make you as Christian seek an alternative to Christ because indeed there is no alternative. If you find an alternative it is the devil with a capital D. No wonder a respected man of God, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God,Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye wrote in Open Heavens that as Christians we need not pray defeatist prayer. Pastor Adeboye defines it, “ A defeatist prayer is the kind of prayer made with an expectation of imminent failure, assumption of hopelessness and a resignation to fate”. He made it clear that “Defeatist prayers carry a belief that God cannot intervene in the situation at hand”. This is misleading and completely false. God can intervene at any time. Brethren, there is a clear difference between faith and fate. You are either faithful to God or you resign yourself to fate. In which case, you have given up on the intervention of God. It is practically impossible to subject your life to faith and fate. One must tower above the other. People may mock you now but have faith that the day you will be celebrated is around the corner. Isaiah 59 vs. 1&2 “ Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear”. Brethren, did you get the full meaning of these verses? It simply means that anyone taking any of those desperate steps mentioned earlier, is simply taking steps away from our Saviour. What on earth should make you, a believer; go to any herbalist for solutions. When people put you under such pressure, ask yourself, the herbalist I am going to meet, did he create himself? If your answer is no, you have no business going to that person. No matter who puts pressure on you? Do you know that there are men and women of God who have childbearing challenges? Will they stop serving God? They usually don’t stop worshipping God, even when members of the congregation that they have prayed for bear children. Have confidence that God is about to give you joy that will be the envy of others. Unique miracles in most cases take longer time so that the testimony can be great. You don’ t believe? Examples abound in the Bible. Rachael was barren when Leah was having children but when God remembered her and opened her womb, she had a Joseph that every one in the family bowed to. Or is it the case of Samuel? While Peninnah had children, Hannah was barren. When God chose to answer, Hannah, she had Samuel who became not just a prophet but a kingmaker. Your Samuel is on the way! Shalom!

Saturday 27 October 2018

Are you free in your relationship?

To feel free in a relationship is a wonderful thing. If you don’t feel like a little child when you are with your partner, you are in bondage. I know a woman who has been married for over eight years who dare not welcome her family members in her home because of her husband’s tall order. He banned her relatives from coming close to her or their children. This poor woman has begged, cried, prayed and even threatened to leave him but he remained adamant. She has reported him to their pastor but nothing changed. She was told to submit to his decision. They have three children who don’t know their mother’s relatives. I heard of a woman who doesn’t send money to her parents because her lord and master, sorry husband commanded her not to try it or he would send her packing. This woman is heartbroken but she dare not go against her husband’s orders. This woman complains to her neighbours all the time that her husband doesn’t allow her send money to her parents, the people who brought her into this world and raised her. I wonder how she still calls herself that wicked man’s wife. I don’t know how women survive in such relationships. It is sad that many women are not free in their relationships and marriages. It is also sad that they are not doing anything about it other than complain, whine, cry, complain and whine some more. I don’t know how these women can still have sex with men who treat them like slaves and continue having children for them. How can a woman be in a relationship or marriage where she’s not free? How do women stay with men they are not feel free to be themselves around? How can a wife not be free to live her life, take decisions regarding her own family because of one man she had the misfortune of marrying? To feel free in a relationship is a wonderful thing. If you don’t feel like a little child when you are with your partner, you are in bondage. If you can’t tease your man, laugh with him, play with him and be free with him, you are not in a relationship, just wear your slave tag in peace. If you don’t contribute to issues when they arise at home or your man takes decisions regarding your life, children and family without consulting you, you are in bondage. You shouldn’t give a human being like you so much power to control your life like that. If you can be yourself around your husband without being afraid, then you can proudly say you are a wife. That’s how you should feel. You can get judgment and criticism from the rest of the world but feel peace around your partner. Nothing beats the feeling of being completely free with your man. As a wife, if you can wear whatever you are comfortable with, you are free in your marriage. You don’t dress like his mother in the village because he doesn’t want other men to look at you. You know some women who would never dare wear the things you wear around their husbands, but you wear it happily around your husband because he likes to see you happy. If you can’t say that other men are handsome to the hearing of your man, you are not free in your relationship. One of the signs you are free to be yourself around your man is being able to point out cute men. Simply acknowledging that other men are attractive doesn’t threaten your relationship because your man knows he’s your number one. Being free in your relationship means walking up to your man and telling him that you want to have sex. Some women are dying of sexual urges because they can’t tell their husband that they want to have sex and enjoy the thrill of orgasms. Telling their husbands that they desire them sexually will earn them horrible names. It is heartbreaking that some men believe that they are the only ones who deserve to ask for sex. Such archaic men only have sex when they want it. They don’t care about their wives or how they feel or what they want. It is funny that when some women want sex, they will start beating around the bush. If you don’t feel entirely secure in revealing your sexual appetite at any given time to the man you are married to, you are in bondage not a marriage. Telling your husband that you desire to make love to him is one of the beautiful ways your sex life improves in a long-term relationship. Many women in marriages are always fearful because of what their husbands would do when they do what they want to do. They are always worried about getting into trouble like children who are still living with their parents. I pity these women. How can an adult live this way and still claim they are married? When you are married to man you are free to be yourself around, you never worry about being needy. You feel free to be needy. You have no problem calling him and saying, “Come home I’m lonely.” Some women can’t even ask their husbands when they are coming home. These women live like prisoners because they erroneously believe that wickedness is synonymous with being married. Women who are free in their relationships claim affection from their men whenever they want it. They don’t beg for they will just lie down on their partner’s lap, obstructing his view of the television and all. They can hug and kiss their men without being afraid of being shunned or slapped. That is what it means to be in a sane relationship. They don’t cower in fear when they see their men. If you cannot tell your husband when he’s being downright annoying, why are you pretending to be in a marriage? If you cannot point out things your man is doing wrong because you are afraid he might beat you or send you packing, you are a bloody slave. Stop claiming you are a married woman. Women in good relationships and marriages take healthy risks in life, in career, business and in their social lives. They are bold to get more education, go for trainings and attend events that will improve their lives. They are upwardly mobile because their men are cheering them on. If your husband stopped you from working because he doesn’t want you to be richer than him or he shut down your business because he’s jealous of your progress, you are in a bad relationship. If your man doesn’t want you to improve yourself since you married him, you are not free in your relationship. I pity you. It is sad that some women explain away this insecure behaviour of their men by claiming they are being submissive. Submission is not foolishness and it is not leaving your destiny in the hands of someone who doesn’t wish you well. If a man is not adding value to your life, why are you calling him your man? Many married women only have peace when their husbands are out of the house. The only time they have peace is when these men have gone to work or to their business place. That is the only time they can breathe well and be free to be themselves. But when the man comes back home, they return to being deaf and dumb wives. They don’t speak until they are spoken to. These women don’t question their husband’s shady and irresponsible behaviour. They are just there like piece of furniture and yet they still have the nerve to hound single ladies to go and get married. No woman deserves to be in a relationship or marriage where she is not free. That’s modern day bondage. If you are dating a man who wants to reduce you to a dunce please run away on time before it’s too late for you. Don’t say he will change after marriage. You are lying to yourself. Marriage doesn’t change bad men, it amplifies their wickedness. Women, be wise.

Friday 26 October 2018

Barcelona vs Real Madrid: First El Classico In 10 Years Without Messi And Ronaldo, Who Do You Think Would Win??

Barcelona welcome their arch rival, Real Madrid, to the Camp Nou in their first domestic meeting this season on Sunday evening. While Barcelona sit atop of the league table having displaced Sevilla last weekend, Real Madrid are languishing in 7th position with their winnless streak in the domestic league extending to five after last week’s defeat. This would be the first time in ten years that this encounter would be taking place without the presence of two global starts, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. While Cristiano Ronaldo left for Juventus after a nine years stint in Real Madrid that produced 450 goals, Lionel Messi is down with an injury to his arm and is expected to be out for up to 3weeks. The Los Blancos have suffered a dip in form recently and were beaten last time out in the domestic league by Levante at the Santiago Beanebeu. They have also been struggling to find the back on the net in their last 7 matches before Marcelo’s lone goal against Levante ended their goal drought. This notwithstanding, the encounter is one that commands respect between the team and is not necessarily a function of who is doing well at the moment or not as the all look to give their best in this kind of tie. Do you think Real Madrid can turn their recent woes around when they visit Camp Nou on Sunday or it would be another battering for them??? SOURCE: INFORMATION NIGERIA AWONUGA OYINLOLA MARY

Monday 22 October 2018


YOU LAUGH TOGETHER-(A LOT!): Healthy relationships are fun. Sure there's work involved, but the number one sign of a good relationship is the ability to let loose and laugh together. A healthy relationship is one where you and your partner genuinely enjoy each other's company. There will always be break ups and downs. But if conflict is your norm, you and your partner need to talk. YOU DON'T SNOOP THROUGH EACHOTHER'S MESSAGES: It may sound cliche, but it is absolutely true: every healthy relationship is built on trust-both in the real world and online. Healthy couples are open and honest with each other about everything, so there's never a need to play cyber-detective with your partner's text messages. If you constantly feel the need to sneak a peek, you might want to ask yourself this relationship is really healthy for you. YOU STILL SAY "PLEASE AND "THANK YOU": Sometimes it is the little things that reveal whether your relationship is healthy. Unhealthy couples often forget their manners,so ordinary requests start to sound like demands, while thoughtful gestures feel unnoticed.Saying "thanks" for something small-like when your partner remembers to buy your favourite cream-can go a long way towards showing you don't take him or her for granted. YOU KEEP THE PAST IN THE PAST: Have you had arguments snowball into an all-out grudge match that brings up every fight you've ever had. Don't worry-every couple has experienced this at one time or another. However by showing forgiveness, acceptance, and a willingness to work towards a brighter future, the past remains buried in the past! YOU FEEL LIKE YOUR BEST SELF WITH YOUR PARTNER: A healthy relationship isn't just about how you relate with each other; it is also about how the relationship affect you as an individual. A healthy relationship never requires giving up your self of independence and self-worth. If you feel empowered to work towards YOUR goals and tackle life's challenges together, then these are these are chances that you have found something good. Source:Awonuga Oyinlola Mary

Saturday 20 October 2018

Cloudy, sunny weather, thundery showers to prevail Today-NiMet

The Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has predicted cloudy and sunny weather conditions with chances of thundery showers over most parts of the country today. NiMet’s Weather Outlook by its Central Forecast Office (CFO) yesterday, predicted partly cloudy to cloudy morning over the central states with day and night temperatures of 29 to 33 and 18 to 23 degrees Celsius respectively. It added that scattered thundery showers over Abuja, Nasarawa, Bida, Southern Kaduna, Minna and thunderstorms over Mambilla plateau and parts of Jalingo during the afternoon and evening period. The agency predicted that Northern States would experience partly cloudy to sunny conditions during the forecast period. It also predicted chances of thundery shower over Yelwa during the afternoon and evening hours with day and night temperatures of 35 to 37 and 21 to 25 degrees Celsius respectively. According to NiMet, Southern States will experience cloudy conditions with slim chances of rains over the South East coast during the morning hours. “Later in the day, there are chances of scattered thunderstorms over the region with day and night temperatures of 30 to 31 and 21 to 22 degrees Celsius respectively. “Cloudy to partly cloudy conditions with chances of scattered thunderstorms and rainfall activities are expected over some parts of the country today", NiMet predicted. SOURCE (NAN) Awonuga Oyinlola Mary

Monday 15 October 2018

Are You Drinking Enough Water? Six Signs You Need To Drink More Water

The human body needs water on a daily basis as it loses water everyday even when the body hasn’t done anything stressful. The amount of water lost by the body varies depending on your activity levels and climatic conditions. One good fact however is that the body is tuned to tell you whether you need to replenish your water reservoir. The easiest way to judge if your body needs water is how thirsty you are. Water is needed for good health and there is no replacement for water. Most studies show that about two in three people are dehydrated and need to drink more water. It is necessary to understand the subtle signals that your body sends, indicating you need to drink more water. 1. Hunger even though you've recently eaten 2. Joint aches 3. Dull, dry skin and/or definite wrinkles 4. Infrequent urination; and/or constipation 5. The color of your urine is an important marker. Dark urine indicates a need to drink more water 6. Exhaustion and/or mood swings Water: In addition to thirst, it is also important to look at the colour of your urine. You should be drinking enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow. Dark-colored urine is a sign that your kidneys are retaining fluids in order to maintain your bodily functions, which includes detoxification. As a result, your urine will seem highly concentrated and dark in color. You may also urinate less frequently, for the same reason. Since thirst mechanism tends to become less efficient with age, older adults need to pay more careful attention to the color of their urine to ensure adequate water intake. Incidence of urination can also be used to judge your water intake. A healthy person urinates on average about seven or eight times a day. If your urine is limited or if you haven't urinated in several hours, that too is an indication that you're not drinking enough fluids. Water: There's no doubt that you need water for good health. A simple effort of substituting all the sweetened, bottled beverages you indulge in with regular pure water can go a long way towards improving your health. It works wonders to help you manage your weight too. The amount of water your body needs, however, is something you need to fine tune based on your individual circumstances. It is necessary to understand the body requirements and the obvious signals that it's high time to replenish your fluids. Source:Awonuga Oyinlola Mary

Sunday 14 October 2018


Lionel Messi could leave Barcelona on a free transfer, Mundo Deportivo reports. Barca want the five-time Ballon d’Or winner to retire at Camp Nou and plan to offer him a new deal next season, that will keep him until 2022. However, a clause comes into effect in 2020, which would allow Messi to join a “non-elite” club on a free transfer. It is the same clause that was inserted in contracts for Xavi Hernandez and Andres Iniesta, which saw both Spanish midfielders move to Qatar and Japan respectively. This comes amid revelations that Messi turned down Manchester City’s offer to “triple the salary he has at Barcelona. SOURCE:NAN, Awonuga Oyinlola Mary

Saturday 13 October 2018

Ballon d’ Or: Shevchenko names player that has chance of winning

Former Chelsea striker, Andriy Shevchenko has said that forward, Eden Hazard has every chance of winning this year’s Ballon d’ Or award. Hazard was shortlisted for the 2018 Ballon d’Or award last week. The Belgium international has scored eight goals for Chelsea this season so far. Shevchenko, who won the 2004 Ballon d’Or award during his time at AC Milan, described Hazard as a phenomenal player, who can also win the award. According to him, Hazard is a phenomenal, fantastic player, but he wasn’t getting those 20-25 goals per season. This season he already has eight, so he’s on the road to that number. He has every chance of winning the Ballon d’Or. The 2018 Ballon d’ Or award will take place on 3rd December, 2018 in Paris. Barcelona star, Lionel Messi and Real Madrid forward, Cristiano Ronaldo have both dominated the award in the past decade. The pair had won an incredible five awards each in that time frame, with Ronaldo equaling Messi’s tally last year. Source:(NAN) Awonuga Oyinlola Mary

Tuesday 9 October 2018

What happens when you stop having sexx

Breakups, work, travel, ill health, emotional issues among other situations can place a stop or pause on your sex life. Whatever the reason why you stop the under the bedsheet romp, there could be consequences. This development can affect your health, either positively or negatively.Here are few things that can happen when you lose that feeling. You feel more anxious: Sexx helps people blow off steam and stress. Scottish researchers found people who abstained from sex struggling to cope with stressful situations compared with those who have intercourse at least once over a week. During s3x: the brain releases feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins and oxytocin, which help you feel more at ease researchers say. Colds and flu:less sex may reduce your exposure to germs. Unfortunately you will skip the immune-boosting benefits of a weekly roll in the hay. Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found, people who had sex once or twice a week enjoyed 30percent boost in immunoglobulin. A (lgA), compared with those who had Sexx seldom or never.lgA is one of the body's first lines of defence against viruses. Sex is just one expression of intimacy for couples, kissing, hand holding, and giving compliments or unexpected gifts can help you feel connected with your partner emotionally-even if you are not spending time connecting physically. Depression in women: women feel more depressed the longer they go without having s3x, reports a study in the journal Archives of sexual Behaviour. But it may not be the lack of s3x that got them down. The researchers say some compounds found in semen: including melatonin, serotonin, and oxytocin-may have mood-boosting benefits for women who have unprotected intercourse.Of course there are plenty of drawbacks to unprotected s3x too.(Knowledge is power) Source:Awonuga Oyinlola

Sunday 7 October 2018

Eat to beat stubborn tummy fat!

Basically, fat tummy is caused by eating the wrong foods, heavy drinking, consuming too many calories or insufficient exercise.Also women gain a lot of weight with having children. Some of them never get to lose the fat especially on the tummy area. And this makes them unhappy, probably because they, may have lost that "skimpy" look! A bulging tummy is not only an aesthetic issue. It is also about one's health. You may have heard that excess abdominal fat increases your risk of a number of diseases, including type two diabetes, cancer, hypertension and heart condition. This could be due to the fact that when fat lies deep on the abdomen, surrounding organs and secreting toxic hormones, it contributes to the thickening of the walls of coronary blood vessels, which increases the chances of having a heart attack. The lives also suffers when you have too much tummy flab.It has to work that much harder to filter out toxic substances. Many studies have confirmed that fat deposits have direct association with disease risk, thereby confirming the dangers of abdominal fat.So, let's take a look at how you can shed the fat in your tummy area with very simple life style changes and herbs: Give your gut a rest: To achieve that flat tummy one so desires, this tips my list. And it is very simple when compare with other kinds of weight management programmes.Simply eat dinner as early as 6p.m (latest by 7.30pm) and not eat again until eight in the morning. By so doing, you'll be giving your gut at least twelve hours of rest. You will even surpass your target if you have the first meal of the day after fourteen hours of not eating or drinking. This single, simple change may be all you need to trigger a dramatic weight loss. A lot of people with perfect waistline swear by an early dinner-time.You too can drop all the weight with very little effort:no diet pills, fat burners or shakes. Limit intake of sugars and carbonated sodas: Research has also found that consuming one or two bottles of soda daily causes your waistline to increase at least five times faster than those who barely drink soda in the course of a week. It is believed that the high amount of sugar used in sodas trigger your craving for food, so you should during mealtimes. If you have that serious craving for a satisfying drink, why not go for a satisfying smoothies, fresh juices, or a glass of water with lemon zest and mint leaves? You'll be doing your body and overall health some good. Be sure not to drink too much, especially those high in fructose. Limit or eliminate all processed foods: These contain harmful toxins in the form of artificial flavors and colours, preservatives and a long list of other ingredients that can negatively affect your ability to lose body fat. Get a regular night's sleep: it is equally important to give your self a good rest. Many studies have linked inadequate sleep with weight gain, which may include abdominal fat. Also.... You can shape up and lose those unsightly bulges as fast as possible with the following herbs: Lemon, Coriander, Stellaria media (chickweed, awede), Dandelion, Basil. Source:Daily Sun, Awonuga Oyinlola