Tuesday 11 December 2018

"I will construct 2km road in every ward per year" Oluseyi Gavriel Olufade AD Gubernatorial Candidate


The Alliance for Democracy Gubernatorial candidate  (AD) Oluseyi Gavriel Olufade has promised the good people of Ogun-State 2km  of road in every of the 236wards in the state per year.

Speaking at a campaign-tour held at Obafemi Owode Local Government (Ofada Ward-Temidire). Olufade identified the absence of good roads confronting the semi-urban and rural areas of the state.

Said he, "I feel very pained and humbled because our government has been very unfair to us". This local government comprises of 10% of the population of Ogun State, but when we navigated this road my car started bumping due to the bad road.Yet we have government in this State ".

He promised further that his party "Alliance for Democracy is a party that wishes us well, we want the growth of the society adding "Our grandparents had the society in mind which is the main reason for creating this party".

Speaking further, he said during the course of his visit to some of the wards in the state, what people recall is the good impact of Alliance for Democracy to the good people of Ogun State. During the period when it was in power in between 1993-2003. I am coming back to fix all of these"!.

The  AD candidate also promised to improve health facilities in the state by building primary health centres in each of the  two hundred and thirty-six wards in the state.

On the state of education in the state he lamented the state of public schools adding we shall fix our educational sector.Most of our graduates are not employable which saddens my heart. It is a no brainer that our children should not have a functional primary school which is the foundation of education, but bible says if the foundation is destroyed what can the righteous do"?

"In terms of creating value for the society and the people I am knowledgeable and I am tired of our inferiors rulling us".

He however implored the people of the area to vote for the Alliance for Democracy in order to reap the diamonds of democracy adding "for the sake of our children let us vote our conscience, vote Alliance for Democracy because we are going  to be a responsive and responsible government"! he added.
