Thursday 27 December 2018

Simple tips to create a healthy and happy holiday season.


The holiday season is finally here, bringing joy , happiness and an
exciting New Year . Being surrounded by friends and family is one of
the most important and memorable parts of the holiday season .
While we all want to feel cheerful during this period, sometimes the
indulgent foods, busy schedules, family , and expenses can cause a
lot of extra pressure and stress . The holidays can be a busy time and
can negatively affect your health if you are not careful .

Research shows that the average person gains a little over a pound
or more between mid- November and mid- January . A study among
26 healthy adults showed an average weight increase of nearly two
pounds over a 15 day holiday period. Another study indicated that
38 participants gained 500 percent more weight per week during
holiday compared with non- holiday weeks . Regardless of actual
statistics, researchers conclude that holiday weight becomes a major
contributor to annual weight gain.
We gain weight around this time because many holiday events
involve food, and not healthy foods. More often, it is food like
desserts , candies , sugary drinks , and alcohol. As you crazily run
around shopping , socializing , and managing other holiday demands ,
you are also less likely to exercise . Even for very motivated people
such as those who hit the gym frequently and monitor their food
intake and those who are intent on losing weight, the holidays can
spell bad news for your waistline .

During these fun (and perhaps stressful) times, it is important to
remember some simple habits that can keep you and your family
healthy. These habits include :
1 . MANAGE YOUR STRESS WITH “ ME TIME ” : For many, the holidays
are a time of fun , merriment and celebration, including the
opportunity to spend time with people that you might not see very
often. Experts recommend that people set aside time for themselves
every day to make sure the body is getting the rest and attention it
needs . Spending a few moments alone can give you a chance to reset
and prepare for the next holiday event .
2 . STAY UP TO DATE ON VACCINATIONS : The flu and colds can
spread almost uncontrollably throughout a home , workplace or
school. Be sure that your entire family is up to date on this year ’s flu
shot to help stop the flu from making the rounds .
holidays do not have to mean a season of unhealthy indulgence.
Practice moderation by eating healthier foods and fruits . Try to limit
your intake of salty, sugary and fat - laden foods.
one of the first things that go by the wayside during the busy holiday
season. Make a commitment to be active at least 30 to 60 minutes
every day and make it interesting . Dance to your favorite music or
take a walk around the neighborhood . Do not forget to increase your
water intake in order to keep your body refreshed and to reduce
hunger cravings .
5 . SLEEP : Getting enough sleep is crucial to staying healthy during
the holidays . Make sure to go to bed and wake up at regular times.
Do not buy into the common misconception that you can catch up on
the sleep you miss on the weekends or at another time . Instead,
make getting enough sleep a priority every night . Lack of sleep can
disrupts mood and immune resilience , leaving us more vulnerable to
sickness in the peak of cold and flu season. Plus , without enough
sleep we are too exhausted to get the exercise our bodies and minds
need .
6 . MAKE A PLAN FOR THE NEW YEAR: When all the parties are
over, and reality gradually sets in . Instead of feeling down ,
challenge yourself with realistic, sustainable goals for a healthy ,
happy New Year ! Compliments of the season!
