Tuesday 18 December 2018

Why I remain the best man to govern Ogun State Olufade-Olowookere as youths rally support-AD Gubernatorial candidate


Gubernatorial candidate of Alliance for Democracy(AD)  in Ogun State, Olufade-Olowookere has  appealed to the youths of Ogun State to  vote him as the next Governor, he maintains that  he remains the best man for the position come May 2019.

Olowookere , speaking with youths groups in Ilaro Community during his campaign tour across the state succinctly said " Ogun West Narrative is just a good coincidence, as I am for merit and my position on democratic elections is that the best man should be voted in to do the job".

The thirty-nine--years-old opined that, "What Ogun State needs now is a young, dynamic, innovative, capable, competent and technology savvy Governor.We need to move away from recycling or repeating people who are obviously extensions of some godfather somewhere.As for me, God is my godfather". "I belong to everybody and belong to nobody ".
He maintains that,  "As for Ogun West if after 42years we are allowed a shot at Governorship we should put our best foot forward". "This is not a time to recycle people, if it is about experience I have "almost two decades" of well rounded international, national and sub-national experience in governance and public administration".

While speaking at the interactive session, questions were posed by the youths to the AD candidate on his plan for the "youths" and he said, "We will ensure all outstanding bursary issues are resolved within the first one year of our Government". It should work like clock without the youths having to beg for it or protest for it.Properly funded Education, Researches and Sustainable human capital development are some of our priorities.

He further stressed that,  " Going around Ogun State, the consistent sentiment is that people want change, they want a better life.They want a government that will give them a better life.The pathetic scenarios from Iperu to Ijebu-Igbo, Ijebu-Ife,Ibafo,Magboro,Lambe,Ota, Owode,Joga, Ilara, Ibara, Obantoko, Lafenwa....The situation has been the same, people are really suffering".

"I believe  that the current government has done fairly well in terms of infrastructural development in the state capital, which is commendable". "There  can be better Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) in many instances".

Olufade-Olowookere conclusively said "governance should be continuum and Alliance for Democracy remains the party with the Governor that will  improve on what the previous government had done and also initiate other development project at all levels". "We will sincerely prioritise the greater welfare of Ogun people" , he added.
