Saturday 30 March 2019

OBT Drops Visuals For 'Medasi' Track


Having had a relatively decent reception and ovation since releasing his first single 'Killah' back in 2017, Samson Adigun popularly known as OBT has released visuals for his latest song 'Medasi'.

'Medasi' which has been on airwaves since late 2018 and quite popular amongst youths means "thank you" in a local Ghanian language called Twi, and was shot in Ghana and Nigeria. The song offers an array of windowed perspective into the waterside lifestyle of downtown Ghana, coupled with mixed up shots of an Afro-Caribbean disco party that featured ace movie star, Abayomi Alvin.

When inquired the concept behind the song, the Omo Baba Teacher revealed that because he has friends from Ghana, he gets marvelled whenever they discuss in Twi, which is one of their local dialect. As a result, the one word that kept popping in his head when he was recording was Medasi and he therefore stuck to it.

'Medasi,' produced by Echo The Guru and directed by Ifeme CS is also a visual representation of the ultimate reason to be thankful for life.

In a talent laden but unfortunately money-driven industry, OBT’s movement is thematic, his deliberate style, circle of friends and niche promotion all point him towards a target auteur status, as he looks forward to more hits in this 2019.
