Monday, 22 April 2019

4 Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Honey- Lemon-Water Concoction


It is highly recommended to start your day with lemon , warm
water and a drop of honey on an empty stomach once you wake
in order to improve digestion , liver function etc .

Most of us drink this mixture with the intention of losing weight,
but it has more benefits than just to help burn fat .

Here ’s what this magical mix does for your body and why you
should drink it, if you’re not already.

It is capable of Boosting Your Energy
This mix is a natural energizer . It hydrates and oxygenates the
body, leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalized for quite some
time; as opposed to coffee , whose effects are short lived. Perhaps
the biggest benefit of drinking warm honey- lemon - water mix is
that it helps to maintain your body in an alkaline state.

Helps cleanse the liver – Liver is the main organ whicBenefits Of Drinking Honey-Lemon-Water Concoctionh helps inpurification of the body . This mix , helps keep the liver pure and toxin free. The liver is mainly responsible for producing protein and maintaining digestion process, so it is essential that the liver is kept pure and functioning well also.

Natural Remedy for Throat Infection
Contrary to the popular belief , citrus foods do help in relieving
one from the problem of the sore or irritated throat. Lemon helps
in thinning of the mucus and so makes it easier to throw it up.
Honey , on the other hand, has peroxides that act as a disinfectant
on the virus causing bacteria . It also aids in suppressing the
excessive formation of phlegm and mucus and drying the
respiratory tract, thereby , controlling instances of cough.

Rich in Vitamins and minerals – Consuming the concoction every
morning kick starts your system by providing it with a boost of
essential vitamins and minerals first thing in the morning . The
drink is a heady mix of vitamin C, vitamin B , magnesium , calcium
and phosphorous .

