Monday 27 May 2019

5 Achievable ways to focus on your life


  1. Focus on yourself first
If you want to change the world, you must begin with yourself. When it comes right down to it, you have control over only THREE things in life: the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. If you focus on thinking positive thoughts, visualizing more successful outcomes, and taking positive action to achieve those outcomes, you are guaranteed to experience better results in your personal and professional life. Not only that, you will impress and inspire others who want to experience better results in their own lives.
2.Commit to continuous self-improvement

Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” The joy of learning lies in the process, not the end result. When you dedicate yourself to a life of continuous self-improvement and growth, you remain curious and open and in a state of constant expansion. Not only does this make your life more interesting and meaningful, it inspires others to follow in your footsteps. And the more people who choose to continuously improve rather than remain in a state of stagnation, the better it will be for the world.

3.View challenges as opportunities
People say they want to create a better life for themselves, but all too often they give up at the first sign of trouble. The road to success has obstacles and challenges – that one’s a given. But it’s in the process of overcoming those obstacles that you become the kind of person who is capable of creating the kind of life you want to live.

When you cultivate perseverance and welcome challenges as opportunities to grow and expand your learning – as opposed to excuses to give up and stay exactly where you are, you will be able to achieve so much more in life. And you will motivate others to have the confidence and perseverance to overcome their own obstacles as well.

4.Be generous with your wisdom
Imagine if everyone in your family gave up complaining, took full responsibility for their actions, and created the life of their dreams. Or if every one in your company practiced the time-honored principles of success.
What if every member of your softball team approached life this way? What if every high school student in America knew these principles and put them into practice in class, on the playing field, and in their social life, so they became confident adults who had a clear vision of what they wanted and the resources to make their vision a reality? What if every man and woman in prison learned these valuable principles before they were released back into society?
You can help create this world by actively facilitating the growth of others. As a student of success, you have so much wisdom to offer the people in your life – and the greatest gift you can give them is to share what you’ve learned and help them achieve more success in their own lives.

5.Go after your dreams – and inspire others to do the same
Each of us has the power within to create the life we want, the life we dream about, the life we were born to live. Each of us deserves to fulfill our full potential and manifest our true destiny. It is our birthright.
But many people don’t understand this. They think that they’re stuck where they are, subject to the whims of a cruel and indifferent universe, and that they lack the ability and/or the right to break free and create a better life for themselves.

You can show them they’re wrong.
When you go after your dreams and start living life at your highest potential, you inspire others to do the same. And this will have a tremendous impact on the world around you.
