It is so unfortunate when we here of how stress levels can take such negative
turns. How to deal with stress and depression are questions asked on a daily
basis necessary for each and every one of us. It is also key to identify the
signs personally and with those around us. It is a state of mind that requires
speaking to someone about professionally and socially. Times currently are
challenging, expectations are high, competition is real and life simply waits for
no one. How to accommodate these tough times, be more optimistic, forward
thinking and assertive is was is necessary to forge forward. It is very easy to
become stressed and burnt out, whether from too much work or too much
procrastination. It could also be the environment, the pressure of society,
disappointments, failures, anxiety, fear and a whole lot more. Managing this
condition which could pose as a major health scare is a must for us all.
As I practice Journalism I hear people express the stress they
experience on the job and being stuck in the catch 24 situations with no way
out. It is again at times like this that company’s must manage their resources
to curtail heavy overhead costs so of course many people find themselves
doing the job of two at time more. Chances are you will be experiencing the
burnt out syndrome. Somehow for many people being overworked is inevitable
because it is a case of the survival of the fittest, but all to the detriment of
good health. Sadly, we see it everyday people experiencing all sorts of ailments
like cancer, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and cardiovascular occurrences at young
ages and the age keeps dropping too.
Dirty Old Men With A Bit Of Get-up-and-go!
Being burnt out does not necessarily mean having so much workload, it could
also be your mismanagement of time and your unconscious levels of
So what could you be doing that is making you feel burnt out?
Signs of Being Burnt Out
1. Are you working when you should be resting we are all victims trying to
meet up with deadline
ii.Are you taking on more than you can chew reading what you do not need
iii.Seeking picture perfection your best is still not good enough
iv.Neglecting yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically
1. Doing anything and everything Multi-tasking
2. Reinventing the already detailed Will
Signs of Being Stressed
1. Are you constantly tired and fatigued but keep working anyway?
2. Are you breaking out in spots and pimples they come out from the blues
iii. Is sleep becoming a challenge not enough hours
1. Have you lost your appetite?
2. Does your workload look never ending?
3. Has your normal daily routine faltered in many ways
LifIt is so unfortunate when we here of how stress levels can take such negative
turns. How to deal with stress and depression are questions asked on a daily
basis necessary for each and every one of us. It is also key to identify the
signs personally and with those around us. It is a state of mind that requires
speaking to someone about professionally and socially. Times currently are
challenging, expectations are high, competition is real and life simply waits for
no one. How to accommodate these tough times, be more optimistic, forward
thinking and assertive is was is necessary to forge forward. It is very easy to
become stressed and burnt out, whether from too much work or too much
procrastination. It could also be the environment, the pressure of society,
disappointments, failures, anxiety, fear and a whole lot more. Managing this
condition which could pose as a major health scare is a must for us all.
During my corporate trainings, I hear participants express the stress they
experience on the job and being stuck in the catch 24 situations with no way
out. It is again at times like this that company’s must manage their resources
to curtail heavy overhead costs so of course many people find themselves
doing the job of two at time more. Chances are you will be experiencing the
burnt out syndrome. Somehow for many people being overworked is inevitable
because it is a case of the survival of the fittest, but all to the detriment of
good health. Sadly, we see it everyday people experiencing all sorts of ailments
like cancer, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and cardiovascular occurrences at young
ages and the age keeps dropping too.
Dirty Old Men With A Bit Of Get-up-and-go!
Being burnt out does not necessarily mean having so much workload, it could
also be your mismanagement of time and your unconscious levels of
So what could you be doing that is making you feel burnt out?
Signs of Being Burnt Out
1. Are you working when you should be resting we are all victims trying to
meet up with deadline
ii.Are you taking on more than you can chew reading what you do not need
iii.Seeking picture perfection your best is still not good enough
iv.Neglecting yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically
1. Doing anything and everything Multi-tasking
2. Reinventing the already detailed Will
Signs of Being Stressed
1. Are you constantly tired and fatigued but keep working anyway?
2. Are you breaking out in spots and pimples they come out from the blues
iii. Is sleep becoming a challenge not enough hours
1. Have you lost your appetite?
2. Does your workload look never ending?
3. Has your normal daily routine faltered in many ways
Life waits for no one they say and you should try to live your best life each
day. If you are feeling symptoms of being burnt out the immediate action is to
recognize it and act on it never leave for another day.
Strategic Remedies for Being Burnt
1. Rest Rest Rest you can never get enough of it just find the time by
2. Delegate No man is an island share where you can be a team player it is
the end the result that matters.
iii. Don’t turn your bedroom into a boardroom leave work at work you are
already brain fatigued
1. No a powerful word not used when it should be, have genuine reasons
and use when you have to
2. Your Physical Fitness are you taking care of it regularly not once in a
blue moon? Do regular exercise even if it is only walking around you
3. Your Wellbeing Fitness try to consume healthy foods more often as your
wellbeing is key. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.
vii. Working with priority manage your time well and do that which is scheduled
for the day don’t waste time on trivials
viii.Worklife balance have found yours. Take a moment a re-strategize your
personal goals
In a day and or week 60% or more time is spent working for the busy one. How
do you spend your weekends?
Do you play /party hard still adding to being burnt out?
Maybe it is time to watch your lifestyle.
Take the burnt Out Test
Kindly answer Sometimes, Always or Not always
1. I have plenty of quality time with the people who matter to me
2. I rarely talk about work related matters at home
3. I am rarely overwhelmed or over committed
4. I have never felt burnt out or exhausted
5. I always have manageable to do list and I am on top of my assignment
6. Most of my days are generally free for me to schedule the things I need
to do
7. I always make time for exercise and do so several times a week
8. My family have never been upset with me about how much time I spend
working. My work-life balance is good
9. Life is good and I feel fully in control
10. I am conscientious about going on leave and always take my annual
leave allocation on the days that I wante waits for no one they say and you should try to live your best life each
day. If you are feeling symptoms of being burnt out the immediate action is to
recognize it and act on it never leave for another day.
Strategic Remedies for Being Burnt
1. Rest Rest Rest you can never get enough of it just find the time by
2. Delegate No man is an island share where you can be a team player it is
the end the result that matters.
iii. Don’t turn your bedroom into a boardroom leave work at work you are
already brain fatigued
1. No a powerful word not used when it should be, have genuine reasons
and use when you have to
2. Your Physical Fitness are you taking care of it regularly not once in a
blue moon? Do regular exercise even if it is only walking around you
3. Your Wellbeing Fitness try to consume healthy foods more often as your
wellbeing is key. Stay healthy, wealthy and wise.
vii. Working with priority manage your time well and do that which is scheduled
for the day don’t waste time on trivials
viii.Worklife balance have found yours. Take a moment a re-strategize your
personal goals
In a day and or week 60% or more time is spent working for the busy one. How
do you spend your weekends?
Do you play /party hard still adding to being burnt out?
Maybe it is time to watch your lifestyle.
Take the burnt Out Test
Kindly answer Sometimes, Always or Not always
1. I have plenty of quality time with the people who matter to me
2. I rarely talk about work related matters at home
3. I am rarely overwhelmed or over committed
4. I have never felt burnt out or exhausted
5. I always have manageable to do list and I am on top of my assignment
6. Most of my days are generally free for me to schedule the things I need
to do
7. I always make time for exercise and do so several times a week
8. My family have never been upset with me about how much time I spend
working. My work-life balance is good
9. Life is good and I feel fully in control
10. I am conscientious about going on leave and always take my annual
leave allocation on the days that I want
If you have sincerely responded to the questions, always try to do what is right!
Also, kindly adjust if there is dire need to!
Do have a beautiful Sunday ahead!
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Saturday, 18 May 2019
Dealing with stress and depression
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