Fellow Big Brother Naija housemates, Diane and, Elozonma engaged in a truth or dare game as Diane confessed she is a virgin and gave her reasons why.

The duo who were together in the garden engaged themselves in a game of truth or dare, It was Diane’s turn to answer the truth or dare question and she went for truth, Elozonam then asked her if she was a virgin.
She hesitated at first before whispering ‘Yes’.
Another round of truth or dare question, had Elozonam asking Diane why she was a virgin.
Diane replied, narrating to him how she made a vow to remain a virgin.
According to her, her aunt confided in her and her cousin about how she made a vow to God to take her life if she sleeps with a man who isn’t her husband and that vow helped her remain a virgin till she eventually married her husband.
Watch the Vidoe below:
T or D: Diane says she's a virgin and gives her reason#BBNaijapic.twitter.com/4L0jTqNTFj