Thursday 5 September 2019



The National leadership of Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) and Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) under the aegis of NUPENGASSAN is grossly disturbed with the massive impacts and effects of the state of insecurity in the global landscape calls for urgent governmental and societal revaluation and  paradigm shifts.

Speaking in a  statement to our correspondent jointly signed by the President NUPENG COMRADE WILLIAMS AKPOREHA, and the President PENGASSAN, Comrade Ndukaku Michael Ohaeri, said the unfortunate situation has given rise to unprecedented loss of faith and confidence in the Nation, giving room for calls for alternative lines of action that are irresponsible and unpatriotic by some parochial and selfish interest groups.

"We are utterly saddened by the apparent loss of control over the activities of bandits in all sections of the country. Every daily headline (locally and globally) is replete with gory stories of killings, kidnapping, ritualism, cultism, human trafficking, rape and all sorts.

"We are deeply dumbfounded by the boldness and brazen manner that these bandits carry out their nefarious activities ranging from intimidation, bombings, suicide attacks, killing of security agents, unarmed innocent people, burning of Police stations, kidnapping, raping of school girls and women to mention a but a few".

Sadly, these nefarious acts have put Nigeria amongst the ignoble terrorist countries of the world, with serious implications for the much desired national development and growth. Frankly speaking, no Nation can make any serious progress when lives of people (citizens and foreigners) are constantly in danger.

Some politicians and political office holders are also contributors in no small measure to this security challenge bedeviling our Nation as a result of their desperate bid for power which gives rise to the proliferation of guns and creation of armed thugs across the land.

As a direct beneficiary of the negative effects of the ugly cases of kidnappings, killings and assassinations which have put the lives of our members and the general public in danger, NUPENGASSAN hereby draws the attention of the top echelon of the Security Agencies to the rot in their respective organizations and implore them to address the issue by smoking out the bad eggs within their folds for the sake of national interest which is expected to be above pecuniary interests. We should have Security Agencies that the people can trust to offer useful intelligence reports and our security officers should be properly trained, equipped and motivated enough to act on such information to smash these criminal gangs before they strike.

However, it would be uncharitable for us to ignore the patriotism, dedication, commitment and resilience of some of our gallant security operatives in the Military, Department of State Services (DSS), Police, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Immigration, Customs so far, in making effort to curtail the upsurge and onslaught of Boko Haram insurgency, banditry, militancy, kidnapping as well as activities of separatists and armed militias, among others.

For us as concerned relevant stakeholders, it has become necessary and expedient for us at a time like this to urgently alert the Federal Government of the grave dangers that the current situation is posing on the image of our country and the multiplying impacts on the livelihood of the citizenry; we therefore use this veritable medium to make a clarion call on the government and those saddled with the responsibility of securing lives and properties to rise to the occasion by stemming the tide of insecurity and other emerging crimes in order to protect and stabilize our overall socio-economic and political interests.

The mandate given to this Government is sacred and requires much more than any political affiliation or considerations. Our lives, sources of livelihood and comfort depend largely on this sacred mandate. Government must be seen to be capable, committed and consistent in discharging its responsibilities, the very basic of which is security of lives and properties. There should be no sacred cow in the bid to rid this Country of these unscrupulous elements and no stone should be left unturned

As responsible and responsive organizations, NUPENG and PENGASSAN will not keep silent and watch the Nation be turned into a banana republic. Our members continue to live in fear as the mostly targeted group by these bandits.

"We would not renege in doing our best to support the Government as we are aware that the success and prosperity of Nigeria is a collective responsibility but the Government of the day is hereby reminded that the buck stops on its table.

It should therefore not hesitate to rejig its security architecture for optimal performance, so that Nigerians can experience the much desired, peace, security of lives and properties and a more investment enabling environment for all. In the end, there would be safety nets to cater for unemployment, youth empowerment, human capital development and capacity building".
