It is often said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away , but
what happens when you don ’ t have an apple or any fruit at all?
That’ s one thought many fail to take into consideration .
No doubt fruits and vegetables contain some of the most vital
nutrients for our health but when you don ’ t get enough of these; it
can lead to nutritional deficiencies as well as unpleasant side
effects . Although you could get many of these vitamins and
minerals from other foods, it usually contains high concentrations
of them .
Nevertheless , if you aren’ t getting enough, these are a few negative
effects it has on your body:
May Increase Cancer Risk
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) revealed in a
study that no one food can protect you against cancer —but a diet
filled with plant- based foods can help lower your cancer risk .
Vitamins E and C are natural antioxidants which may reduce
cancer risks by protecting healthy cells from free radicals . In
addition , Carotenoid which can be found in spinach , other dark
leafy greens, deep orange fruits, sweet potatoes, squash, and
carrots —may protect against cellular damage and have been
associated with lower rates of cancer .
Possible Digestive Problems
You are more prone to digestive ailments such as constipation,
hemorrhoids , etc ., if your diet lacks fruits and vegetables. The
latter are known to contain cellulose , which increases stool weight,
eases passage. In addition , they also contain fiber , which also
helps prevent constipation. A study from Harvard Medical School
showed that a diet high in dietary fiber , which fruits and
vegetables reduces the risk for diverticulitis .
The medical information provided in this article is provided as an
information resource only. This information does not create any
patient- physician relationship and should not be used as a
substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
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Tuesday, 22 October 2019
How Lack of Fruits and Vegetables Can Affect The Body
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