Monday 6 January 2020

2020: 6 Ways To Love Yourself


Love is one of the most powerful emotions in the world. It is easy to give out love to others , however, many people find it difficult to love themselves . Self- love is one of the most important feelings that need to be learnt .
It is another year and it is time to learn to love yourself intentionally through the year.
Here are some ways to love yourself :
No self - consciousness
At times, you get so self - conscious you hide in a shell because you are scared of what people will say . Take comfort from that fact , most people are too worried about themselves to be looking at you. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in , hairstyles that accentuate your beauty . Walk with your head held high. People are too busy trying to be comfortable in themselves to bother about you.

Do things you love
While at it, focus on things you love doing that will help you gain confidence in yourself . These things could range from sport to creating or building things such as clothing, shoes and so on . This helps you to know you are good at something and will boost your confidence. Always remember to indulge yourself in things you love .
Take yourself out
You do not always have to wait for someone to take you out before you have a great time . Take yourself out to places you love , take pleasure in having a great time with yourself, spend time alone in an open space. Enjoy the comfort of you own company . Spending time by yourself allows you to find out more about things that make you happy and the more you discover these things, the more
you get to love yourself .

Stop beating yourself up
In life , we do things we often are not proud of. Instead of beating yourself up every time about things you cannot change , accept them , heal from them and stop beating yourself up . That situation or incident has happened and gone , but guess what? You are still here. Stop beating yourself up , accept your faults , learn and heal from them and love yourself better .

Be intentional about your growth
So many things can be ignored , however , never put your growth on hold. Learn to stretch yourself beyond your limit. Take a professional course , learn handwork, overcome that your fear , whatever you do, just ensure you keep learning and growing . This helps you love yourself more and puts you in a better position in life.
Be selective about friendships
Friends make or mar you, do not mingle with people who will be detrimental to your growth and emotional well - being . Be selective with your friends and ensure your friendship is not unreciprocated .
