Friday 23 November 2018

Being a Mom: How moms can balance work and family

Mothers are typically the primary parent when a child is sick or has an appointment.. so working moms often need more flexibility in their schedules.
Kate Halim
Being a working mother can lead to feelings of guilt and stress because of divided attention between work and family. The key is to focus on a plan, get organized, and find the right balance between profession and parenthood.
There are proven ways to help working mothers make sure that both their careers and family flourish.

Let go of guilt

Rather than dwell on how you are not with your child, think about how your role in the company is benefiting the family. Perhaps you can afford certain classes or educational opportunities for your children. Accept that there will be good and bad days. Mothers should know they are not alone and they should discuss their feelings with partners or support groups.

Find childcare providers that you trust

Knowing that your child is cared for is crucial to having peace of mind when you are at work. Find a daycare, nanny, or someone you know that you trust with your child. A quality daycare should have flexible hours, a low teacher-to-child ratio, a clean and spacious environment, and up to date licenses.
For nannies, look for one with extensive experience and great references. Have at least one trial day to observe if it is a good fit and make all of your expectations clear from the get-go. If possible, keep constant contact throughout the day and ask for updates and photos of your little one.

Maintain open communication with your manager

Being a working mom does not mean you will be a less productive employee. Mothers are typically the primary parent when a child is sick or has an appointment, and is the one responsible for picking up the child after work; so working moms often need more flexibility in their schedules.
The important thing is to make sure you communicate to your manager what your needs are, as well as how you will continue to do your job well. Hopefully, your manager will be understanding and appreciate your transparency and dedication to both your family and your job.

Create special and meaningful family activities

Make the time that you spend with your family really count by planning activities that everyone will look forward to and enjoy. Ask for ideas from your older children and let them get involved in deciding where to go too.

Say yes to less

You don’t have to say yes to every single party invitation or extracurricular activity if it is causing you more anxiety than enjoyment. Determine how much your schedule can handle and choose the activities that your child will enjoy the most. Don’t feel bad about saying no to the rest. Overbooking takes all of the fun out of the experience and leaves no time for much needed rest.

Lower your expectations

A lot of the pressure that moms have to cook healthy and delicious meals daily, maintain a perfectly clean house, and be the perfect parent are expectations that mothers put on themselves. When you lower your expectations, you will find a lot of the unnecessary stress can be eliminated. Your house does not need to be spotless every time a guest comes over, especially if the guest also has children.
