Sunday 20 January 2019

Nigerians Speak on Sending Nudes In Relationships

This generation is probably the most sexually adventurous
generation of all time and with the help of gadgets and social
media, people can explore their sexuality in various ways .
Sending and receiving nudes is a very rampant occurrence among
men and women of all ages , so much so that on September 11 ,
2011 popular messaging app Snapchat was created but then it was
called “ Picaboo ” and was originally marketed as an app to safely
send nude photos.
To an extent , it has become a part and parcel of the average
relationship today because the term “ Send Nudes” is as common
as anything in conversations between lovers and even friends
today .
We asked twelve random adults about their views on the matter
and they had the following to say (M represents male and F
represents Female );
M – He was okay with it and admitted to sending and receiving
nudes regularly from different lovers .
F – She was okay with the idea but personally doesn’ t engage in it
because she feels the best way to handle sexual urge is to simply
have sex as opposed to going back and forth with nudes .
M – He believes that it’s only acceptable between married couples
but feels that if you must send, you should at least exclude your
face to protect yourself .
M – He was strongly against the idea and felt that in a situation
where the phone is stolen , pictures and videos are at the thieves
M – He felt that as long as both parties have an understanding and
don ’t show their faces it is okay .
F – She was okay with the idea and admitted to often sending
nudes to her boyfriend whenever she felt like.
M – He admitted that he and his girlfriend who are in a long
distance relationship often send nudes to keep things exciting and
also so that the relationship doesn’t lose its sex factor and get
F – She stated that she was okay with it in the past but with the
recent cases of leaks by disgruntled lovers , she no longer sends
M – He was against the idea for “ security reasons ” stating that he
has political ambitions and he wouldn ’t want anything that could
tarnish his image in the future .
F – She admitted that she was once blackmailed by an ex -
boyfriend who threatened to “ leak her nudes ” unless she stays in
what she described as an abusive relationship so the idea of nudes
is totally cancelled in her head .
M – He was indifferent about the idea and claims he personally
wouldn ’t send anyone his nudes because he doesn’t get the appeal.
F – She admitted that before she got married , she was sexually
adventurous but now she is no longer open to it because she feels
there is no need anymore .
