Saturday 13 July 2019

Five ways to motivate yourself everyday


There are a lot of situations we find ourselves day -by -day due to circumstances in our environments.
It is true that motivation gives us that extra strength to get things done.
Although it might not always come when you need it the most but in every obstacles you find yourself follow the rule “DON’T GIVE UP”.
If you are finding it difficult to complete a work, try these few things to get yourself motivated.
  1. Reinforce Your Motive
When it looks as if the situation ain’t getting better try to remind yourself why you are doing this, write out the reasons for starting the work in the first place, select another proper agenda, think about another better option and set out for the work.

2.Find yourself a partner
Most people say I don’t need anybody before I motivate myself to get things  done. That’s a lie when you meet the right person that motivate you every day you will never regret it.
Find someone who will motivate you when you’re feeling lazy, having a friend can help motivate you to work hard when you’d normally quit.

3.Kick start your day
Plan out tomorrow effectively.  Get up early and place all the important things early in the morning.
Building momentum early in the day can usually carry you forward far later in the day, try and fulfill your plans for that day and avoid procrastination.

4.Be careful with the small problems
As a small as the problem might be it could be the worst killer of motivation and could creates endless frustration.
Reframe little problems that must be fixed as bigger ones or they will kill any drive you have. Build motivation to avoid the traps or problem that can stop it.

5.Take occasional breaks
That work will still be waiting for you when you get back. Avoid burning out, by taking a break.
Take some time off or walk to clear your head and give your brain enough time to reboot. During this period you could listen to music or do things that makes you happy.
