Saturday 13 July 2019

TUC New Executives Pledges Commitment To Nigerian Workers


The new executives of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria ( TUC), in other to properly discharge their duties, have pledged to be more commited in fighting for the rights of Nigerian workers.

Speaking at an interactive session with the press yesterday, in Lagos,  the President of the Union, Comrade Quadri Olaleye said, "we, the new executives  have all come a long way in the course of pursuing the goals and aspirations of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) .

According to Olaleye, the union will get more committed to Nigerian Workers in the following ways; "This administration will focus more on organizing workers in the informal economy; promoting health and safety at work; actualization of workers in the banking and telecommunication sector, tax justice and halting illicit financial flow. "

"Decent work, social protection and collective bargaining, will move motion for capacity training and the introduction of trade union congress winter and summer schools annually, women participation in trade union activities and gender equality."

Speaking with Leadership correspondent, on the struggle of the  N30,000 National Minimum wage by Labour Unions to the benefit of Nigerian worker, he said "their Labour representatives in the committee is presently handling the negotiation, the  struggle is still on. As it stands now, we may be forced to go to the trenches but we hope that government would act fast and direct its representatives to return to the negotiating table that will be beneficial to workers who have had to wait for almost a decade to get something meaningful added to their emolument."

He added that, the Union will continue to collaborate with Nigerian Labour Congress, international, regional and other national Labour movements to advance the cause of workers around the globe and Nigeria in particular.
