Wednesday 18 September 2019

Six signs to show your partner is truly committed to you

Before you can determine the seriousness of your relationship, it is imperative to be able to have conversations about tough subjects with your partner, such as having a clear idea of what being ‘committed’ means to you and learn about your partner’s definition of it.
You could be dating your partner for a while and think things are going great. But you can never really know for sure unless they actually tell you how they feel about you.
You should also know that for some, being comfortable enough to express how they feel takes time. So here is how to tell if your partner is truly committed to what you share:
They speak in “We”
Bringing your partner into your world is an essential part of a relationship and a proof of commitment.
People in committed relationships speak about themselves as “we.” This simply means that they are bringing you into their lives and making you part of many of the things they do.
They are highly satisfied
The strongest predictor of commitment is satisfaction. If you are highly satisfied, you are often committed.
They see their relationship as better
Committed partners tend to believe their relationships are better than other people’s relationships.
They don’t pay attention to potential alternative partners. They don’t even notice attractive people around them.
They make sacrifices
What is commitment without sacrifice? Committed partners make sacrifices for each other and don’t expect favours to be returned, at least not immediately. They have a more long-range view of things and make decisions based on what’s best for the relationship, not what’s best for themselves as individuals.

They are always ready to try new things with you
Trying new things is scary. There’s always the possibility of failure and nobody ever wants to look stupid. But if your partner is willing to step outside of their comfort and do something they’ve never done before with you, they’re likely all in.
They are willing to talk about the future
Just because they share something real, serious and genuine, they are willing to have a discussion about the future with you.
If your partner has dropped their walls and let you in, that’s a good sign they are serious about you. A partner who is all in is willing to engage in vulnerable and potentially uncomfortable conversations.
