Saturday 14 March 2020

Things to know before stepping into a lifetime journey

The beauty and splendor radiating from a newly married couple is a reflection of the joyfulness of hearts. Two hearts joined together beating as one, they pledge their love to each other  beating as one, they pledge their love to each other " to have and to hold till death do us apart." Then, the veil is lifted up as the anxious groom hears the pastor make the long awaited declaration of congulatilty.
Image result for download wedding images

Marriage is a holy institution, and should be respected and kept as such.
 Marriage, as noted in the bible, is a microcosm of the relationship between Christ and the church; His unconditional love that led Him to lay down His life bride, thus showing us how love conquers all odds.
In addition, we believe this piece will be a useful resource for beginners in marriage relationship and those marriages are in need of restoration and sustainability.
Our wish is to see many others who read this piece flourish in the garden where the Lord has placed them.
1.Portray a Christ-like Character

Christ-like attitude in the home: There are two places one's faith is usually put to test, at home and on the job.Many average Christian couples spend approximately two third of their work life at home and on their jobs.These are places where there is not much of pretending; where you have got to be yourself; and where you can easily lose your coolness and just let everything out.As a Christian, you are expected to live according to  the word of God.
Doing this your life will be a witness to those around you both unbelievers and those who know your weakness, especially your spouse.

"But as He who called you is holy, you also must be holy in all your conduct." 1Pet.1:15

2.Come Together at the Family Altar
Pray and study the word of God together'
We hear the phrase over and over that a family that "prays together stays together."How true! simply praying together is not enough; the family needs to engage in family devotions including studying the bible together.
Meditating and sharing the word of God together show unity and an attitude of openness towards on another.
...."Blessed is he who reads and those who hear  the word of this prophesy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." Revelations 1.3

3.Develop Positive and Effective Communication Skills
Sharpen your communication skills
One of the key elements in marriage survival kit is the development and application of effective communication skills. What you say and how you say it can either build or damage marriage beyond repair.If husbands and wives can learn how to express their feelings to each other in an amicable manner, many marriages that ended in divorce will still be alive and well. The earlier one practices good communication skills, the better for the relationship. The couple will be shielded from making several mistakes that could cause heartaches and unrest that dominate many relationships.

Communciation is not only verbal, it is also non-verbal; how you act can bring peace and war.Some people don't say it out, biblically the bible teaches us on how to respond even when we are not pleased with what we hear, A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger""(Proverbs 15:11) I see many marriages on the rocks as a result of verbal abuse.
Kindly, learn to practice the lip-lock mechanism:
Allow your spouse to finish talking; be gentle, be patient, and pray along.You do not have to respond to every statement
"A wholesome tongue is a tree of life; but perverseness in it breaks the spirit."
