Saturday 11 January 2020

Caring for skin, hair and lips this harmattan


Just as the skin needs to be cared for and moisturised this
harmattan period, the hair also needs to be protected from harsh
weather, which can make the natural hair look dull and dry. The
season is dry and dusty, so it is important to take extra care of the
skin and ensure that retention of extra moisture on the hair is
Dr. Erere Otrofanowei , Consultant Physician , Dermatologist and
Genitourinary Specialist at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital
said : “ There is need to be more aware of the skin during harmattan .
The skin, hair , nails , and mucous membranes will be crying out for
more attention this period. The one thing they all need is adequate
and recurrent moisturisation.
“ As the air is dry and lacking water vapour , one must attempt to
restore this by drinking lots of water (not beers or fizzy drinks ,
which are argued to have liquid content only). The recommended
intake is at least three litres of water daily . This is about six of the
now ubiquitous water sachets peddled everywhere and two of the
large bottled water commercially sold . This will plump up the cells of
the body , which mostly contain water . About two thirds of
intracellular fluids is water .”
Otrofanowei explained that this is the season, when exposed skin of
the arms and legs are cadaveric grey in colour and the skin texture
is dry with lines and cracks .
She said : “ Medically , this dry skin is called Xerosis and in severe
form, xerosis brings about Ichthyosis . Xerosis is the harbinger of
itching, and when one scratches dry skin , it easily fissures , causing
sores and ulcers, depending on the intensity of the scratch (er ) and
the tools employed for scratching . Some people have bought those
long plastic hands to assist in scratching the difficult to reach parts
of the skin. Tight clothing such as jeggings or skinny jeans, scratchy
lace fabrics and stiff clothing worn during harmattan may not be
very pleasant for the skin .
“ Tight clothing will strip off the little moisture the skin tries to
produce and reduce or even cut off the skin capillary blood supply,
causing pins and needles sensation, numbness , and eventual sores.
Sometimes , people attempt to restore blood flow to the skin by
slapping on it gently or rubbing against a surface, when all that is
needed is to remove the tight clothing or spandex and allow
unrestricted blood flow.
“ The hair becomes dry, brittle , lacking in lustre and easily breaks
during this season. Females who wear their natural hair should put
them in protective hairstyles and limit the exposure to the dry
harmattan winds . Steaming , applying leave - in conditioners and
moisturising for all hair types is recommended . However , styles
needing hair gels are discouraged . Males who are bald or like clean
shave need to apply hair creams and oils to a damp scalp / skin often ,
whilst those who sport a hairstyle should ensure they apply hair
creams after a shower before combing. Everyone should avoid
combing the hair when dry.
“ The hair needs to be protected , as well as the skin to avoid looking
like you are malnourished or have just had an electric shock
therapy . The lips , the nails (especially the cuticles) and genitals are
all part of the skin and should not be neglected . Some people would
dress up fully after a bath and apply a moisturiser only to their feet
because they plan to wear slippers or open –toed footwear . Thus , the
hands were just lucky to be the messenger. The partition between
the buttocks easily gets robbed of its moisture because of clothing
(underwear, tailored trousers, jeans ) and is prone to fissures and
ulcers when dry.
“ The lips easily get chaffed . This is not a sign of vitamin C deficiency
requiring oral medication, but a cry for help in applying a
protective jelly . So, how does one go about maintaining healthy skin
this harmattan season ? The solution lies in adequately moisturising
the skin , hair and lips . There should be water on those surfaces
before applying the occlusive cream or ointment , which then
effectively traps the water on the skin . Attempting to apply oils
(whether organic or natural as the current trend is ) directly to dry
skin results in making the skin oily or slippery with a shiny exterior,
which has not been moisturised .
Appreciating that a cold bath may be a tall order now , a hot bath is
discouraged, as it allows for faster evaporation from the skin . Use
tepid water and a gentle toilet soap with no added antiseptics or
disinfectants . Do not stay too long in the shower and apply your
moisturiser while still in the bathroom.
Petroleum jelly or shea butter is recommended , and this should be
applied all over the skin surface, including the lips and nails . For
ladies, it may also be used to take off your make up at nighttime ,
before washing your face . A pocket - sized tub of the petroleum jelly
can be carried about to adequately re - moisturise as often as
needed .”
